Saturday, June 29, 2019

how to make money online

Make money online means to selling products online or do some job online. This is so easy and efficient way of earning. You don’t need to go to office. You don’t need to travel. You are not bound to anyone. You are all in all in you. What you give you will take. There are many sources and many methods to earn online.
·         Blog Writing:
The act of blogging in and of itself is often free, but that doesn’t mean that blogging can’t serve as a useful platform from which you can earn money online. Many people are earning over 5 figures a month “just blogging”, by combining it with things like affiliate sales, ad networks, and paid reviews.
·         eBooks:
Write a book and self publish, go ahead! It can be a “passive” income stream for life (though that should not be confused with the fact that it can be a lot of upfront work).
·         Podcasting:
Podcasting is all the rage lately and it is becoming the new, preferred form over content to connect with your audience. In addition, it can also be a lucrative form of income if you draw in enough of an audience.
·         PPV (Pay-Per-View) Advertising
 Pay per view advertising is similar to pay per click, except you can replace click with view. Your pay is largely based on the traffic you bring to the ad.
·         Freelance Writing
Say you don’t have a blog, and don’t want to join in an ad revenue sharing agreement, you can get paid a flat rate to write articles.
·         SELLING
If you have a product, there is probably a platform through which you can sell it. If you don’t have a product, there are many products that other people have that you can sell for a commission (known as affiliate marketing)
·         Videos
 Similarly to music, if you can create great videos you can sell them.
·         Stock Photography

 Like videos and music this is a highly competitive market but if you are skilled there are a number of venues on which you can sell your photography.

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